Saturday, January 17, 2009

Music for Non-places

I'm not one of those people who constantly have music on. I can't write or read with music or do anything productive, really. Even when the music is atmospheric, I prefer listening to it while doing nothing else. That's how shitty a multi-tasker I am.

But if there's any kind of music I can work with, it's stuff like this, from South London's The Inventors of Aircraft. Slow, space-y, full of micro-sounds that can be appreciated as background noise but which also deserve to be paid attention to when the right mood strikes (read: late at night, in a car on an open road).

If you've got shit speakers, use headphones. And turn the volume up!

The Inventors of Aircraft - Time Vanishes.mp3

Download the whole album, Unknown Language, as a zip file here.

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